Sunday, September 30, 2007

Team Play on the PIT

Hey Guys So it’s been about 5 days now and most of us have finished the fight a couple of times now, And Have took the fight to halo 3 Match Making. Now A few days ago I covered the steps to get ready for playing and what you should do when playing, and hopefully it helped some of you get a couple levels and win a couple games. Today I’m going to give a few tips The PIT, that I have learned work pretty good right now in team slayer games.

The Pit

This map is a pretty open map and the key to it is move as a team, Watch each other’s backs, and don’t go out alone. The Most Effective weapon on this map is a BR because most of the times you see the enemy at distance and can take them out at range, while they try to close in and use their AR. This tactic will keep you safe as long as you keep distance between you and your target, and remember nothing hits harder than a team with BR’s.

The Rockets are a Man spot of attack I have noticed on this map, everyone rushes them right from the get go, and whoever comes in on top in this battle has the lead in kills and has rockets to go on the attack with. The Thing I have noticed though is that everyone runs straight for them down that single hallway and it’s a death trap for you and your enemies.

In order to come out on top send 2 of your men to the hallway have one the first one move in throwing hand grenades down the hall when he is out have the second one throw them down the hallway too. The first man’s job is to lay down fire now as the second one picks up the rockets and fires one down the hall. Now while this is going on its best to send 2 other men down the invisibility hallway to flank them and clean up the kills of those who have weak shields cause of the grenade throwing.

Since me and my team have started to do this we have not lost a game, nor has the other team got the rockets from the start of the match.

Once you grab the rockets it’s time to move back to your sniper base and spawn if you want you can leave your guy with invisibility lurking back to get a quick kill or 2 and cover your team as they fall back. Make sure to grab BR’s as well as needlers on the way and move back to your tower.

Once you get set up on that tower your pretty much set. You should have the lead and your enemy should have to make their way to you to catch up to you in kills. Some people call this camping but I say its team work. Now you can’t stay there the whole game when make sure to keep moving to get your weapons but remember always to move as a team, A Lone man on pit, is a dead man on pit.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Spell Checker

Spell Checker is great next time I must use it.

Also a Tip from Adam

""When being shot at try to avoid jumping as this will make you a easier target"

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Guide To Surival In Halo 3

A Guide To Survival In Halo 3

There is no Doubt that Halo 3 will be one of the most played games this year and with all the hype its sure that there will be many new comers to Xbox live that are going to be playing Halo online for the First Time. This is a guide that I am making that will help you out in Halo And get you ready to face the online battle once you finish the fight.

Step One- The First and best way to get ready for the online battle is to Play through and beat the game first. Now It might seem kind of silly mentioning this but there are a lot of people that like to jump straight into online modes without really playing the single player first. I tend to do this my self but There are many things you can learn from the single player game that will help you online, Including how to drive, how to use equipment, how to move and get you use to fighting more then one enemy at once. All these are things you need to practice before you get online and Will help you when you do decide to join xbox live and bring the fight there.

Step Two- When you do decide to Jump on you will Surely want to play the Team Training play list first. The Play list is a simple list that puts 2 teams of 4 against each other in none ranked matches where you can fight and learn to hone your skills. I suggest this to new comers because they tend to be more laid back, there is no pressure to do your best since the win or loss does not count against you, and this will be your best place to learn a few skills that will be needed to make your way up the leader boards. Now This does help you gain RP for wins so you can still gain Ranks through training, but if you loose there is no major loss of points to your rank. Also Bungie has stated that there will be a Training Ranked match called boot camp I suggest you play this as well.

Step 3- Make Some friends, This is a must if your going to be trying to make your way up the ranks. Be Social with the people you play with and try to build a group of friends who you enjoy playing with. A Team of 4 Friends always stand a better chance for a win, then against 4 people playing together for the first time. When playing with a group of friends you get use to each other play styles learn how to work together and get to the point where you know how to cover each other and what each other are most likely to do during a match. When you play with a group of 4 people you don't know, each game your trying to learn the team and trying to work together for a win. When playing with 4 friends it does not mean you will always win, it does mean you always know you can work as a Team though.

Step 4- Learn to Dance. This might sound funny considering your playing a shooter, But when playing Halo you must learn how to move around while being shot at, some call this Strafing but I call it dancing. In Strafing you run just move side to side to help you avoid being shot, in most games this will keep you alive, and in halo it will to. The reason though I call it dancing is the fact that when your being shot at you must learn the best way to move, for example always turning to run out of the path of bullets. Its hard to explain if you have not played the game, but always remember never run in a straight path in halo, learn to strafe, dance and avoid fire the best you can.

Step 4.5- Learn to Keep your Cross hairs on your enemy while moving. Now a lot of times in halo you will run into your enemy both will have the same weapon and both will start to shot at each other, and this is where it turns into what I call a dance. You have to be able to move and circle your enemy while keeping your rounds landing on target.

Step 5- Golden rules. Halo is a shooter based on 3 major things, One is shooting, two is Grenades, and 3 is Melee. You need to get good at placing your grenades on target. If you see a enemy it it key to knock there shields down with a grenade, before opening fire this will be the difference between winning and dying on one vs one battles. Remember you have plenty of nades use them to your advantage and don't be afraid. Also When close remember to use that melee it could be just what you need if you use it at the right time.
These are some of the few basics you will need to know to get you ready to play halo. These tactics might sound simple to the Vet halo player that have been playing for all 3 games, but as a new player these are the things that will help you in your fights, that will help you make the climb up the ranks, and help you actually enjoy the game. I hope this helps you guys out in the days to come, and I hope to see you all Online!